Medicare in North Carolina

North Carolina has the 8th largest Medicare population in the US. It also has a large amount of Dual Eligibles, (people on both Medicare and Medicaid.)
By the numbers for 2017*:
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries in the US: 55,504,005
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries in North Carolina: 1,769,074
Medicare Advantage (Part C) statistics:
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage in the US: 18,478,199
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage in North Carolina:585,874
- Total Number of Medicare Advantage Plans in US: 2317 total
- Total Number of Medicare Advantage Plans in North Carolina:49 total
Part D (stand-alone prescription drug plan) statistics:
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a stand-alone PDP in the US: 25,078,872
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a stand-alone PDP in North Carolina: 821,489
- Total Number of stand-alone PDP Plans in North Carolina: plans 24
- Average Premium for stand-alone PDP in US: $53.14/per month
- Average Premium for stand-alone PDP in North Carolina $48.35 per month
Dual Eligibles – people with both Medicare and Medicaid benefits
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries of Dual Eligible in the US: 9,972,300
- Total number of Medicare beneficiaries of Dual Eligible in North Carolina: 347,300
Medicare Advantage plans and stand-alone PDP's are contracted with CMS and are not available in every county in every state. Each year MA and PDP plans renew their contacts with CMS, therefore availability of MA and PDP plans can change.
Resources for Medicare Beneficiaries in North Carolina:
Since North Carolina has the 8th largest population of Medicare beneficiaries, there are great free resources available.
Here are just a few:
North Carolina Department of Aging, works with local Areas on Aging to help seniors access several local programs by county.
North Carolina State Insurance Counseling and Advocacy free health insurance counseling program for seniors.
Benefits Checkup – funded by the National Council on Aging -, is a great resource to apply for federal and state assistance programs.
Source Kaiser Family Foundation
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